
Maintaining Network Security:

For many companies, network security is necessary to achieve compliance for PCI, HIPPA and other regulatory requirements. Keeping your computer and wireless network secure is a good policy to protect your company’s critical data. Without proper network security, your network may be vulnerable to computer virus and malware attacks and unauthorized access by computer hackers. Here are five tips to help you maintain network security.

Audit Network Regularly

Performing a periodic network scan may identify unauthorized computers and other devices that may have connected to your network directly or via wireless access. Your properly configured network, firewall, routers and wireless access points will prevent unauthorized intruders, however, regular audits ensure compliance to your network security policies.

Keep O/S Patches Up To Date

Your network is as secure as its’ weakest link. Make sure all PCs are up to date with Operating System O/S security patches. This helps prevent computer viruses and malware from exploiting your operating system and entering your network.

Keep Antivirus and Malware Definitions Current

In addition to your O/S patches, confirm that your Antivirus and Malware definitions are up to date. This further protects your PC from exploits and helps maintain the security of your network.

Establish Policy for Mobile and Wireless Devices

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a trend providing employees the benefits of using their mobile devices at home and in the workplace. Employers are relieved from the burden of having to purchase additional mobile devices, such as tablets and PCs. It is important to ensure these devices maintain the same security standards of company owned desktop and laptop computers.

Check Firewall Security Settings

Ensure your company is protected from the latest hacker attacks, worms and viruses by checking your firewall security settings. Confirm that all firewall patches are up to date, use strong passwords and enable encryption to further protect your passwords and network. Periodically scan your network and check firewall configuration to safeguard that you do not have any unnecessary open ports.

Many small businesses do not have the internal IT staff to keep up with the demands of maintaining network security. Ask your IT Professional about monitoring your network today.