Pings are sent to measure packet loss, latency and if a circuit is up or down.
Traceroute tests are sent to the router to provide circuit performance metrics.
Notifications can be sent via email to alert you if a circuit goes down.
Dashboard & Reporting
Access a web-based dashboard to view current circuit status as well as a monthly emailed report if requested.
Gain Visibility and Confidence with Monitored Circuits
Not all things are created equal. There is more than one place to buy a circuit, but the only place to buy a monitored circuit is from AOS Consulting.
What is included:
- Circuit Monitoring is available on internet and coax circuits with static IP addresses. MPLS and other monitoring is available.
- View visible resources on a dashboard which can be customized to meet your needs.
- International circuits are also available.
- Circuit monitoring includes a ping and a traceroute to that circuit.
- Packet loss and latency are also measured.
- Email notification to the customer and the telecom broker.

While some carriers include monitoring of their circuits, those that do have varying degrees of quality. The circuit monitoring solution allows you to have a consolidated view, alarming and alerting strategy across all carrier’s circuits. We believe there is value in having monitoring provided by a third party.